- 安裝NodeJS
- 安裝coffee-script
(command line下執行下列指令)npm install -g coffee-script
- 安裝Sublime 2
- 安裝Sublime Package Control:
a. 開啟sublime text2
c. 輸入下列指令
d. 重開sublime text2即完成Sublime Package Control的安裝import urllib2,os; pf='Package Control.sublime-package'; ipp=sublime.installed_packages_path(); os.makedirs(ipp) if not os.path.exists(ipp) else None; urllib2.install_opener(urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.ProxyHandler())); open(os.path.join(ipp,pf),'wb').write(urllib2.urlopen('http://sublime.wbond.net/'+pf.replace(' ','%20')).read()); print 'Please restart Sublime Text to finish installation'
- 輸入
或從功能選單選擇Preferences -> Package Control
,之後選擇Package Control: Install Package (如果沒顯示Package Control表示Sublime Package Control安裝失敗),應會出現下面這個選單 選擇Install Package會跳到另一個選單,輸入NodeJS 並以同樣的步驟安裝coffeescript package
到這步為止,我們已經讓sublime text2對nodejs & coffeescript有基本的支援了(code completion, syntax highlight, snippets等) - 因為我想在Sublime Text2裡面直接執行cake build,所以做了以下的修改:
a. 功能選單選擇Preference->Browse Packages進入Packages資料夾
b. 進入CoffeeScript資料夾,編輯 CoffeeScript.sublime-build
c. 檔案應該長的像這樣子
d. 替換成下列{ "cmd": ["cake", "sbuild"], "path": "/usr/local/bin:$PATH", "selector": "source.coffee", "working_dir": "$project_path" }
(需要注意的是在windows底下,指令部分需要加{ "cmd": ["cake.cmd", "build"], "selector": "source.coffee", "working_dir": "$project_path", "variants": [ { "cmd": ["cake.cmd", "test"], "name": "Test" }, { "cmd": ["cake.cmd", "watch"], "name": "Watch" }, { "cmd": ["cake.cmd", "docs"], "name": "Generate Docs" } ] }
e. 此設定是對應CoffeeScript Template建立的,但原template在windows下面需要做點修正,把color code作escape(第5-8行),並在指令後面都加上了.cmd
f. 這個Cakefile會需要用到:mocha(測試用)跟docco(產生文件用)fs = require 'fs' {print} = require 'util' {spawn, exec} = require 'child_process' bold = `'\033[0;1m'` green = `'\033[0;32m'` reset = `'\033[0m'` red = `'\033[0;31m'` walk = (dir, done) -> results = [] fs.readdir dir, (err, list) -> return done(err, []) if err pending = list.length return done(null, results) unless pending for name in list file = "#{dir}/#{name}" try stat = fs.statSync file catch err stat = null if stat?.isDirectory() walk file, (err, res) -> results.push name for name in res done(null, results) unless --pending else results.push file done(null, results) unless --pending log = (message, color, explanation) -> console.log color + message + reset + ' ' + (explanation or '') launch = (cmd, options=[], callback) -> app = spawn cmd, options app.stdout.pipe(process.stdout) app.stderr.pipe(process.stderr) app.on 'exit', (status) -> callback?() if status is 0 build = (watch, callback) -> if typeof watch is 'function' callback = watch watch = false log ":-)", green options = ['-c', '-b', '-o', 'lib', 'src'] options.unshift '-w' if watch launch 'coffee.cmd', options, callback mocha = (options, callback) -> if typeof options is 'function' callback = options options = [] launch 'mocha.cmd', options, callback docco = (callback) -> walk 'src', (err, files) -> launch 'docco.cmd', files, callback task 'docs', 'generate documentation', -> docco() task 'build', 'compile source', -> build -> log ":)", green task 'watch', 'compile and watch', -> build true, -> log ":-)", green task 'test', 'run tests', -> build -> mocha -> log ":)", green
npm install -g mocha npm install -g docco
- 設定好之後,用sublime text2開啟專案,
會直接呼叫cake執行build工作:把src資料夾下面的coffee檔全部編譯成js並放到lib資料夾下面去,如有需要修改設定只要修改Cakefile就可以了。 - 如果要執行其它build task:快速鍵
開啟選單,輸入Build:就會看到 也可以從Preferences>Key Bindings自訂快速鍵來顯示build task:
其中{ "keys": ["ctrl+alt+shift+b"], "command": "show_overlay", "args": {"overlay": "command_palette", "text": "Build: "} }
- 如果Build不是呼叫Cake或是不能Build,功能選單Tool->Build System選擇CoffeeScript
- Sublime的build設定檔只寫了四個task,build/watch/test/docs,可以自己增加,但要確定Cakefile中也有相對應的task,否則系統會自動呼叫預設的cake build
- 目前找不到好用的Remote SSH Editing Plugin,不是要錢就是功能不太完整,有人有推薦的嗎?
回覆刪除有機會就多分享心得交流吧 :D